
Boutique: New dress for sale…..

These are brand new cloths for sale….. Mad people have used these for years. We who call ourselves normal are now getting there. It means they are not mad… they are rather ahead of time. No wonder they laugh when they see us.


When you see a man selling handkerchiefs and still sweating profusely in traffic, it tells you that possession is not the same as ownership! Your life belongs to God; you are only having it but you don’t own it. So, be careful what you do with your life before the owner asks for it.
The last wishes of Alexander the Great………
On his death bed, Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:

1. The best doctors should carry his coffin …

2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery …

3. His hands should be let loose, so they hang outside the coffin for all to see !!

One of his generals who was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to explain .
Here is what Alexander the Great had to say :

1. “I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that in the face of death , even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal ..”

2. “I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on earth , will stay on earth..”

3. I want my hands to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is : TIME.

We do not take to our grave any material wealth. TIME is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time.

When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back . Our TIME is our LIFE!.

The best present that you can give to your family is your time and to God is your life..

May God grant YOU plenty of  TIME.

Lesson To Learn


It happened few years ago, I was in an audience listening to a
motivational speaker. The speaker got out his wallet & pulled out
a 500 naira note. Holding it up, he asked, “Who wants this 500naira note?”

Lots of hands went up including mine. A slow chorus began to build as people began to chant “I want it!”“I want it!!” “I want it!!!”

I began to wonder who the lucky one would be&who the speaker would choose. And I also secretly wondered why he would simply give away 500 naira.

Even as the shouts of “I want it” grew
louder, I noticed a young lady running down the aisle. She ran up onto the stage, went up to the speaker, and grabbed the five 500 naira note from his hand.

“Well done, young lady,” said the speaker into the microphone. The speaker simply said “Most of us just sit and wait for good
things to happen. That’s of no use.

You’ve got to make things happen. Make a move.“
“Simply thinking about doing something is of no use and not good enough.”

Our lives are like that. We all see opportunities around us. We all want the good things but the problem is we don’t take action. We all want the 500 Naira note on offer but we don’t make the
move. We look at it longingly. Get up, and do something about it. Don’t worry about what other people might think.

Stop dreaming and start acting.Take action! (Mat:7:7)

Later, the speaker got another 500 naira note and held it up for all to see.
I thought I knew what was up. But he just asked a simple question.

“How much is this worth?” “Five hundred naira!” the crowd yelled
in unison. “Right,” said the speaker. Thereafter, he took the note, crumpled it into a ball and asked “How much is it worth now?”

“Five Hundred Naira!” screamed the audience. He then threw the note on the ground, stamped all over it, picked it up and asked one more time: “And how much is it worth now?”“Five hundred naira!” was the response.

“I want you to remember this,” said the speaker. “Just because
someone crumples it, or stamps on it, the value of the note does not diminish.

We should all be like the 500 naira note.”In our lives, there will be times when we feel crushed, stamped
over, beaten and used. But never let your self-worth diminish.

Just because someone chooses to crush you and life isn’t offering what you expected or deserve doesn’t change your worth one bit! Never allow your self-worth to diminish because someone says
something nasty or does something dirty to you.

Never let your self-worth diminish. Remember, it is the knowledge of your quality and the price you place on yourself that determines your value.

Don’t ever forget this: I vehemently believe in you! You will succeed! (Prov.3:5,6).


(1.) Work and pray. Search and receive.

(2.) Trust God to hold you regardless of any challenge you are facing. He will make your ways straight without allowing you to lose your value.

Nice day!
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What is The Future?

As a noun: the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing, one regarded as still to come.
As an adjective: at a later time, going or likely to happen or exist.
The free Encyclopedia: the indefinite time period after the present.
My definition: the moment after decision is made i. e. you are in your future immediately you make a decision.
The question now is: When is your Future?
The answer : NOW IS YOUR FUTURE.
You are in the school studying for your career,  the decision is made and therefore, you are already in your future.
Therefore, whatever you do to your  NOW determines what you will have in your THEN.
When is my Future?
My Future is in what i do NOW. Its either in my diligence or laziness. If you have made a decision to be a success, then whatever you do determines if you will achieve the success
How can i Get to my Future?
1. You need God  (your Creator)
He knows you and what He purposed you to be. Therefore, you need to engage Him in what ever decision you make.
2. You need to set GOALS
Where do you want/like to be in the next 10yrs?
3. Write your Goals down.
Visit your goals always, it will serve as a check or guide for you.
4. Be determined to achieve the goals.
Make up your mind to attain your heights in life and you will see yourself achieve them.
5. Have FOCUS.
Don’t be distracted. There are many distractions out there but REMAIN FOCUSED.
Go back to God on your set goals. He will help you and dictate how to go about it. i. e. He will guide you through.
7. Achieve your SET GOALS
Achieve your set goals with determinations.
You will see yourself achieve these set goals

How Do I Know I Have A Future?
GOD created everyone with a Seed of Greatness. This Seed drives you into doing something unique or better. That is your potential. Identify it, Nurture it, Treasure it, Develop it and Deploy the seed.

How Do My Friends Affect My Future?
Show me your friends and i will tell you the kind of person you are.
1. The people you mingle with have a way of influencing you, that is, they has a way of depositing little of themselves in you either positively or negatively.
2. Your environment
Your immediate environment (your family).
Your after environment (where you grow, locality)
a.  Where you live.
b.  Where you work (school).
Therefore,  RUN AWAY from:
1 . those who don’t have the same vision with you.
2.  those who wont help you on your way to achieving your goals.
3.  those who don’t see any good in what you do.
An Illustration: someone embarking  on a long journey will board a vehicle going to his destination even if he sees his best friend in the park. He wont join his friend in his vehicle because he loves or have seen the friend for a long time but will board the vehicle to his destination. This is because he has defined where he is going and determined to give it all it takes to get there.
F – full
U – understanding of your
T – total being
U – unfolds the
R – reality of your
E – enablement
This means that you must FIRST understand who you are – YOURSELF.
Until you understand your total make up (total being), you wont realise what you are capable of doing.
See you at THE TOP!

Character Development Topic: Choose your Habitation Text: Proverbs 30:26 Case Study: Conies (Cliff badgers) These are delicate (weak, feeble) little animals but are wise enough to build their homes in rocks so as to protect themselves from dangers. The dangers of wild animals, weather, human beings etc. They strive for survival in the hidden places. Lessons to learn from these animals 1. You need to know and choose your place twhere you belong). 2. There is a place (career) for your success, locate it, you will be great in that place. 3. Have a particular place to study your books at scheduled time both home and school. Studying is the product of your capacity to think and think better. 4. Have a place and time of prayer (to talk to your Creator and Father). 5. Study with those that have the same goal with you (goal to succeed). 6. Choose where you go per time, you don’t belong everywhere. 7. Identify your weakness, build yourself up and focus on your stregth. 8. Secure your set goal, treasure it, nurture it and deploy it. Grow your goal and see people rejoice over your success. 9. Avoid goal destroyers, they won’t add to you but rather throw away your values. 10. Apply wisdom at every stage or level you get to. Wisdom: application of what you are taught (knowledge) at the right time, in the right environment, with the right people. SUCCESS IS YOURS!


Proverbs 30:24-25
Case study: THE ANTS

The ants are little and tiny insects not strong, can be swept away or trodden upon yet they prepare for their future. How?
They are hardworking, always on the move, very sensitive and observant. They are fast at thinking and taking action. They know what to do per time, seek help from one another, always innovating and maneuvering. They never lack what to eat throughout the year because they gather and store up their food. This shows the power of preparation. They prepare for the rainy day in dry season.
Lessons To Learn
1. The preparation for the future starts NOW.
2. Your preparation gives you progress.
3. Work on your weaknesses (weak subjects).
4. Always go for new things, don’t stop at what you are taught in the classroom, read ahead of your teachers. Don’t limit your studies to class works.
5. Create time for studying.
6. Seek help from your colleaques (team work), relate with like-minded ones.
7. Be creative, explore your world.

To improve the lives of teens and youth by inculcating in them self discipline and deployment of skills; and To input emotional stability in every teens and youth.